The Cape Cod Challenger Club relies on volunteers from the community.
Our volunteers come from a variety of sources – individuals, schools, youth groups, athletic teams, religious organizations, social clubs, and private companies – but one thing remains constant, their commitment to make a difference. Our great volunteers make the Challenger Club the treasure to the community that it is.
Volunteers become mentors, or “buddies”, to our participants, helping to provide strong role models for our members. In return, those volunteers who assist with the activities learn valuable lessons in character development, respect, compassion and build positive perceptions of individuals with disabilities.
We see the bond and friendships developed between participants and the volunteers evolve into a positive experience that impacts both groups, enriching the lives of all those involved and strengthening our community.
We thrive because of volunteers from the community.
Want to become a volunteer?
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer to participate in events and activities, we’d love to have you join us.
If you still have questions, please contact us at 508-420-6950 ext: 1136 or info@capecodchallenger.org
Volunteer and make a difference
High five to you for helping out!